Tag: Christmas
Christmas Lunch Party
Read More: Christmas Lunch PartyOn December 11th, after a three-year interruption due to the COVID pandemic, the Antiochian Orthodox Society of Britain hosted its annual Christmas Lunch Party. After the Divine Liturgy celebrated at Maria Assumpta Chapel, our temporary place of worship in Kensington, parishioners of the cathedral and many guests of the Society joined our Party at the…
Annual Christmas Lunch
Read More: Annual Christmas LunchWith the blessing of our Metropolitan Silouan, we held our Annual Christmas Fair on the 1st of December. It was good to see our parishioners attending and helping despite the bad weather. We want to thank, all who managed this successful fair, who produced and brought a wide variety of home-made items, from food to…
Annual Christmass Fair
Read More: Annual Christmass FairWith the blessing of his Eminence Metropolite Silouan Oner, St George Antiochan Cathedral London is holding its annual Christmas fair on the 01/12/2019 for more information or participation please contact Marie-Therese Hasbani on 07939541722 or Rasha Daya on 07400325208 .
Christmas Fair 2017
Read More: Christmas Fair 2017Thank you to everyone who attended the St George’s Orthodox Church Christmas Fair this Sunday and a special thanks to the generosity of the donors who brought a wide variety home-made and holiday-themed items, from jam to jewellery plus many more. It was good to see many people attending despite the white snow.
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Great Lent 2025 Services: Part 1
Dear friends in Christ, Blessed Great Lent! Every week of the Lent, the Orthodox Church offers a rich variety of services to guide us on this spiritual journey. Attached is the timetable of services in our parish for the first three weeks of Great Lent. All services will be held at Maria Assumpta Chapel in…
Ladies Brunch 2025
On Saturday, 1st of March, ladies of the St George’s activities group hosted an annual Ladies Brunch at the Beit el Zaytoun restaurant in support of the St George’s Arabic School. The event opened with a short prayer and speech by Fr. Michel Touma. He warmly welcomed the guests and conveyed greetings of Metropolitan Silouan,…
Annual Ladies Brunch
Dear Ladies, St George’s Cathedral Activities Group warmly invites you to our Annual Ladies Brunch on 1st of March 2025, from 11 am, to support St George’s Arabic School Location: Beit el Zaytoun Restaurant, Park Royal, 15-17 Barrets Green Road, London, NW10 7AE Tickets: Places for this event are Limited, so to avoid disappointment, be…
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