Month: March 2016
Mothering Sunday
Read More: Mothering SundayJoin us for a Mother’s Day Celebration on Saturday 12th March 2016 from 7pm at the Reliance Pub. Lebanese/British Buffet (vegetarian & non-vegetarian), Arabic and Lebanese music atmosphere, so get yourself ready to dance. Price is only £20, tickets are available with Remie on Sundays in church. Raffle tickets are available during the night, money…
Meatfare Sunday
Read More: Meatfare SundayFollowing on from the phenomenal success of our lunch on MeatFare Sunday last year, we are hoping to make it an annual event in our community. MeathFare Sunday this year falls on 6th March, we will be having a Community lunch in Church, all contributions are welcome; savoury, sweet and cakes, drinks, just bring it…
Pan Orthodox Pilgrimage
Read More: Pan Orthodox PilgrimageA sub-heading Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, alia debitis ut sit, harum impetus legendos quo te, mel meis audiam eruditi et. Ut impedit erroribus pri, quo epicuri eleifend referrentur ad. Usu ne aliquip ponderum qualisque, noster aliquip mea te, vel at sonet verterem. Facilis vivendo postulant ea nec. Inani pertinax constituto duo ea. An mei…
Enthronement of Metropolitan Silouan
Read More: Enthronement of Metropolitan SilouanNo reque vidisse qualisque mea. Sententiae suscipiantur te vel. Per te etiam simul delenit, sea eu enim munere. Nonumy mediocritatem ex pri, ut quem tollit mea. Doctus deterruisset ius ne, sit integre moderatius ut. Tota honestatis id pri, per at postulant salutandi similique. Tation quaeque suscipiantur sea ne. Denique indoctum sadipscing in duo, in eum…
Popular Posts
Annual Ladies Brunch
Dear Ladies, St George’s Cathedral Activities Group warmly invites you to our Annual Ladies Brunch on 1st of March 2025, from 11 am, to support St George’s Arabic School Location: Beit el Zaytoun Restaurant, Park Royal, 15-17 Barrets Green Road, London, NW10 7AE Tickets: Places for this event are Limited, so to avoid disappointment, be…
Ordination speech of Fr Deacon Ephraim
Dear brothers and sisters, With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Silouan, we are publishing the Speech delivered by Fr Deacon Ephraim Haddad at the festive lunch on the occasion of his ordination to the holy diaconate, January 5th, 2025. The full text of the speech is provided below, but here is also the link…
Theophany 2025 and Ordination of Dcn. Ephraim
On Sunday, January 5th, His Eminence Metropolitan Silouan presided over the Divine Liturgy at our Cathedral parish to celebrate the Feast of Theophany. During the service, His Eminence ordained our brother Ramy Haddad to the holy diaconate, giving him the name Ephraim in honor of Saint Ephraim of Katounakia. Assisting Metropolitan Silouan were Fr. Jonathan…
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