Category: Uncategorised
Parish Day Retreat – a Report
Read More: Parish Day Retreat – a ReportOn the 25th of November, the Parish of St. George’s Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral in London gathered for an all-day spiritual retreat at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel in Kensington. More than 70 members of all ages, joined by beloved guests from St. Botolph’s Antiochian Parish in London and the Holy Trinity Missionary in Brighton, came together…
Church Major Repairs
Read More: Church Major RepairsDear Parishioners, Hope you are well, Due to the major repairs taking place in St George’s Cathedral. We are not allowed to use the church building and it will be closed until further notice. We Hope this closure period will not be long, we will inform you of any changes in due course.
Dormition of the Theotokos 2020
Read More: Dormition of the Theotokos 2020The Feast of the Dormition of Our Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary is celebrated on August 15 each year. The Feast commemorates the repose “falling-asleep” of the Mother of Jesus Christ, our Lord. The Feast also commemorates the translation or assumption into heaven of the body of the Theotokos.
Church Instructions
Read More: Church InstructionsChurch Instructions: 1. You must register your name with father Michael 07955716299, if you want to celebrate the Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral starting from July 19th. The first 50 names will be taken: any in excess will be added to the list for the following week. A register system of all those present will…
Palm Sunday 2020
Read More: Palm Sunday 2020During the lock down and wherever we are, we will keep praying, “Hosanna in the highest” Metropolitan Silouan and Father Michael hold the Palm Sunday service with the help of brother Tawfik Dallal. The service was streamed online on Facebook live. At the same time, participants and their families were holding their candles, olive branches,…
Holy week & Pascha 2020
Read More: Holy week & Pascha 2020Holy week & Pascha Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I hope you are all safe in this difficult and challenging time. May God protect you all. For the next week, we will not open the church building. I know that it is a sad situation for all, but we have to do it for…
Annual Christmas Lunch
Read More: Annual Christmas LunchWith the blessing of our Metropolitan Silouan, we held our Annual Christmas Fair on the 1st of December. It was good to see our parishioners attending and helping despite the bad weather. We want to thank, all who managed this successful fair, who produced and brought a wide variety of home-made items, from food to…
Ciramic Activity 2019
Read More: Ciramic Activity 2019We spent a lovely Art day with some of our youth, in Art 4 Fun shop. I want to take the opportunity to thank all the leader of the groups for the help and the cooperation, may God bless each one of you.
Annual Christmass Fair
Read More: Annual Christmass FairWith the blessing of his Eminence Metropolite Silouan Oner, St George Antiochan Cathedral London is holding its annual Christmas fair on the 01/12/2019 for more information or participation please contact Marie-Therese Hasbani on 07939541722 or Rasha Daya on 07400325208 .
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Annual Ladies Brunch
Dear Ladies, St George’s Cathedral Activities Group warmly invites you to our Annual Ladies Brunch on 1st of March 2025, from 11 am, to support St George’s Arabic School Location: Beit el Zaytoun Restaurant, Park Royal, 15-17 Barrets Green Road, London, NW10 7AE Tickets: Places for this event are Limited, so to avoid disappointment, be…
Ordination speech of Fr Deacon Ephraim
Dear brothers and sisters, With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Silouan, we are publishing the Speech delivered by Fr Deacon Ephraim Haddad at the festive lunch on the occasion of his ordination to the holy diaconate, January 5th, 2025. The full text of the speech is provided below, but here is also the link…
Theophany 2025 and Ordination of Dcn. Ephraim
On Sunday, January 5th, His Eminence Metropolitan Silouan presided over the Divine Liturgy at our Cathedral parish to celebrate the Feast of Theophany. During the service, His Eminence ordained our brother Ramy Haddad to the holy diaconate, giving him the name Ephraim in honor of Saint Ephraim of Katounakia. Assisting Metropolitan Silouan were Fr. Jonathan…
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