Tag Archives: Paraklesis
Dormition Fast Services Timetable
Dear brothers and sisters, We approach the Dormition Fast, which starts on the 1st of August. Every weekday of the Fast we, as always, will have the Paraklesis service to the Theotokos. Please find the full timetable of the services
Posted in Announcements, Services
Tagged dormition fast, Dormition of the Theotokos, Fasting, Feast Day, Paraklesis, services, transfiguration
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Paraklesis Service during Dormition Fast
Starting from Monday, 01/08/2022 at 19.00 each weekday of the Dormition Fast a Paraklesis (Supplication) service to the Mother of God will be celebrated in the Annex of our Cathedral of St. George. Have a blessed fast!
Posted in Services
Tagged dormition fast, Dormition of the Theotokos, Paraklesis, services, Supplication to the Mother of God
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