Category: Liturgy
Palm Sunday 2022
Read More: Palm Sunday 2022Today, on Palm Sunday, we celebrated the Feast of the Entrance of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.
Timetable for Holy Week and Pascha 2022
Read More: Timetable for Holy Week and Pascha 2022Attached is the schedule of services we will celebrate during Holy Week and Pascha 2022. Please pay special attention to the location where each service takes place, shown in the right column. Note also, we arranged for two Liturgies for Palm Sunday and two Resurrectional Services for Pascha. Please choose which of the two to…
Timetable of the Lent services
Read More: Timetable of the Lent servicesTimetable of the 1st week and 2nd week of the Great lent
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts 2019
Read More: Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts 2019The service of the Presanctified Gifts is meant to support us in our lengthy and tiresome pilgrimage: On this journey we need help and support, strength and comfort, for the “Prince of this world” has not yet surrendered . . . and in this fi ght, our main help is precisely the Body and Blood…
Sunday of Orthodoxy 2019
Read More: Sunday of Orthodoxy 2019On the first Sunday in Lent, we commemorate the decision of the Seventh Ecumenical Council in 787 A.D. upholding the use of holy icons in Orthodox worship. We also commemorate today the unity of Orthodox belief and the oneness of our Faith—across languages, continents, and centuries. Venerating icons, having them in churches and homes, is…
Akathist 2019
Read More: Akathist 2019The Akathist Hymn is a many faceted service. It is a hymn praising the Incarnation of Our Lord, directing its force to Him through His Mother. The praises refer to her as the salvation of mortals, the ladder and bridge to heaven, the Bearer of the Universe. These salutations would be blasphemous if directed toward…
Nativity day and the ordination of the deacon Micheal Touma 2017
Read More: Nativity day and the ordination of the deacon Micheal Touma 2017 -
The Holy Body Funeral Service, Good Friday – 2017
Read More: The Holy Body Funeral Service, Good Friday – 2017
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Great Lent 2025 Services: Part 1
Dear friends in Christ, Blessed Great Lent! Every week of the Lent, the Orthodox Church offers a rich variety of services to guide us on this spiritual journey. Attached is the timetable of services in our parish for the first three weeks of Great Lent. All services will be held at Maria Assumpta Chapel in…
Ladies Brunch 2025
On Saturday, 1st of March, ladies of the St George’s activities group hosted an annual Ladies Brunch at the Beit el Zaytoun restaurant in support of the St George’s Arabic School. The event opened with a short prayer and speech by Fr. Michel Touma. He warmly welcomed the guests and conveyed greetings of Metropolitan Silouan,…
Annual Ladies Brunch
Dear Ladies, St George’s Cathedral Activities Group warmly invites you to our Annual Ladies Brunch on 1st of March 2025, from 11 am, to support St George’s Arabic School Location: Beit el Zaytoun Restaurant, Park Royal, 15-17 Barrets Green Road, London, NW10 7AE Tickets: Places for this event are Limited, so to avoid disappointment, be…
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