Month: January 2024

  • Baptism of Rami Zakhem

    On Saturday, the 27th of January, we joyfully celebrated the baptism of little Rami Zakhem, son of Marwan and Leila Zakhem, in our parish. Ramy is the grandson of our beloved late Mr George Zakhem, one of the founders and

    Read More: Baptism of Rami Zakhem
  • Theophany of Christ 2024

    On the 6th of January, His Eminence, Metropolitan Siloaun, presided at the Festal Orthos and Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of St. George, assisted by the parish clergy. At the end of the Divine Liturgy, he celebrated the service of

    Read More: Theophany of Christ 2024
  • Nativity of Christ 2023 and Ordination of Deacon George

    Blessed Feast of Nativity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! عيد ميلاد مجيد With the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Silouan, we celebrated two Divine Liturgies for the Feats of Nativity in our Cathedral Parish of St. George. On

    Read More: Nativity of Christ 2023 and Ordination of Deacon George


Popular Posts

  • Family Parish Retreat Reminder
    Family Parish Retreat Reminder

    Dear Friends in Christ, Time is running out! Only a few days remain to secure your spot at our Family Parish Retreat in Staffordshire, from 31st October to 3rd November. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the

  • Family Retreat: Registration
    Family Retreat: Registration

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, With the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Silouan: Following the success of our one-day Parish Spiritual Retreat in Autumn 2023, we are pleased to announce and invite you to register for a 4-day Family

  • St George’s Feast and Picnic
    St George’s Feast and Picnic

    Dear friends in Christ, On 6th of May 2024 (Bank Holiday), we will celebrate our patronal feast of St George the Great Martyr. We will have Orthros and Divine Liturgy at Maria Assumpta Chapel starting from 09:30 am, which will
