Dear brothers and sisters,
This year, we will celebrate two services for the Feast of Nativity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. You can choose the one which is more convenient for you in terms of time, location, and transport availability.
– On the 24th of December, at 7.30 pm, Father Michel will celebrate the Divine Liturgy at St. Mary-the-Virgin Church in Kenton. The address is: 3 St Leonards Ave, Harrow HA3 8EJ.
– On the 25th of December, at 11.00 am, HE Metropolitan Silouan will celebrate the Divine Liturgy at the Maria Assumpta Chapel in Kengsington (our regular place of worship on Sundays). The address is: Maria Assumpta Chapel, 21 Kensington Square, London W8 5HH
We are looking forward to celebrating the Feast with you!