Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Dear friends in Christ, We wish you a blessed and peaceful Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
This year, our parish offered two services to celebrate the Feast, ensuring that as many faithful as possible could partake in this joyous occasion. On Christmas Eve, Metropolitan Silouan, assisted by Fr. Michel and Dcn. George celebrated the Divine Liturgy at Mary-the-Virgin Church in Harrow.
In his homily, Metropolitan Silouan emphasized the essential role of free will—a divine gift—in achieving salvation, made possible through the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. He explained that God’s original intent was for humanity to dwell in Paradise, free from suffering and conflict. However, due to disobedience, humans were expelled and subjected to hardship and death. Despite this, God preserved human freedom, allowing each person to choose to seek Him and attain salvation.
Metropolitan Silouan highlighted that salvation restores individuals to their intended state, as envisioned in Paradise. He stressed that participation in church services, sacraments, and adherence to Christ’s teachings—such as the Ten Commandments and the commandment to love—are pathways to salvation. He also noted that while guidance can be offered, each person must make a conscious and free choice to pursue salvation; one cannot decide for others.
Concluding his message, Metropolitan Silouan reminded the faithful of the significance of the Nativity of our Lord as a connection to the Paradise and encouraged adherence to Christ’s teachings as the means to ascend this spiritual ladder. He extended blessings for the Feast of the Nativity to all present, their families, and their countries.
The following morning, on the Feast Day, Sayedna Silouan presided over the Divine Liturgy at the Maria Assumpta Church in Kensington, during which he ordained Dcn. Dmitry Ismagilov to the holy priesthood. Concelebrating with him were Hieromonk Theodore (ROCOR), Fr. Michel, Fr. Boniface, and Dcn. George. Fr. Dmitry will serve as an assistant priest at our parish.
In his sermon for Fr. Dmitry’s ordination, Sayedna emphasized that love is the primary virtue a priest should embody. Fr. Dmitry is called to serve God through the people entrusted to him in the parish. He is not to be served but to be a servant to the people of God, exercising love and self-sacrifice in his ministry. Every person who comes to the church must be treated with the utmost love and care, regardless of their circumstances. His Eminence expressed gratitude to Fr. Dmitry’s family, including his wife, children, and parents, for their sacrifices that allowed him to serve the parish community and wished them many years.
After the Divine Liturgy, some parishioners joined the annual Festal Christmas Lunch for those who celebrate alone, organized by the Cathedral’s Young Adults group. It was a beautiful fellowship strengthened by homemade traditional festive food.

May you have the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ during this holy Nativity season!