On Great and Holy Thursday the day at our cathedral began with the celebration of the Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil in commemoration of the Last Supper of our Lord. On the evening of the same day, the faithful gathered again in the church for the Orthros of Holy Friday, in which we read 12 Gospels, remembering the Passions of our Lord and God Jesus Christ. Below are a few photos from the two services, with more photos available as usual in the Holy Week 202 photo gallery at this link
The Synaxarion gives a brief yet complete description of the evening service: “…We celebrate the holy, dread and saving Passion of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, the spittings, blows, and scourges; the curses, cheers, and the wearing of the purple; the rod, sponge, and vinegar; the nails, the spear, and especially the Cross and death; which he received willingly for our sakes. We celebrate also the confession of salvation which the grateful thief made on the cross with him”
Ahead of us is taking of the Most Precious Body of our Lord from the Cross and His burial with the singing of Lamentations on Holy Friday. We look forward to seeing you today in the church
In Thy supernal and utterly infinite compassion for us, O Christ God, have mercy on us. Amen.