On the last day before the Great Lent – Sunday of Forgiveness – we celebrated Mother’s Day in our Parish. The day began with the Divine Liturgy, presided by His Eminence, Metropolitan Silouan, followed by the beautiful Ceremony of Mutual Forgiveness.
After the Divine Liturgy, people gathered at Millennium Gloucester Hotel Kensington to celebrate the ladies of our parish and enjoy festive food and the company of each other. At the end of the feast, each mother received a small Mother’s Day gift prepared with love by the ladies of our St. George’s Activities Group. You can find photos by following this link.
The feast was a huge success, with record numbers of our parishioners and guests attending the celebration. We thank the ladies of the St. George’s Activities group for their meticulous organisation of the event and the Antiochian Orthodox Society of Britain for their generous sponsorship of the venue at the Millennium Hotel. Heartfelt gratitude is owed to our dedicated parishioners, Gaby and Ghada Saab of Awafi Foods, for providing delicious food and catering services and Maroun Saliba of Patisserie Rose for crafting a magnificent festive cake.
Once again, we wish you a fruitful Great Lent and hope to see you at the many beautiful services the Church offers during this blessed period of prayer and repentance. God bless you!