On Sunday, September 8th, the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos, we held our traditional End of Summer Picnic.
Despite the gloomy weather forecasts predicting rain for the entire day, through God’s mercy, the sun shone brightly, allowing us to enjoy a wonderful time together. As always, we had delicious food, plenty of field activities for kids and adults, a huge cake, and the joy of each other’s company. We were especially honored to welcome Sayedna Silouan to our picnic.
Please find the photos from the picnic in this album https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10sX9jw8GluVxDY5vP-zUM380jBJgQua5?usp=share_link
Our gratitude goes to all the hardworking ladies and men who put great effort into organizing the picnic. We hope to see all our guests at services in our cathedral, as well as at the upcoming autumn and winter social events. The first of these is a Family Parish Retreat from October 31st to November 3rd. You can learn more and sign up here: https://stgeorgeantioch.org/…/family-parish-retreat…/
Stay tuned for future announcements!