Antiochian Orthodox Society of Britain Annual General Meeting (AGM) No: 36.
In the presence of Metropolitan Silouan Oner; Father Samir Gholam, Father Michel Touma and Father Boniface Carroll

The Antiochian Orthodox Society of Britain held Its annual general meeting on Sunday, the 26th of November, 2023, at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel, which was attended by the board of management and most members of the society.

The chairman has reported on matters of interest to the society, which was amply discussed with many members. Dr Hraiki’s main point was to plan for the future of St George’s parish, especially to acquire a suitable church building for the long term.

The AGM was followed by the committee meeting, during which an election took place for the following positions:
Chairman: Dr Samir Hraiki
Vice Chairman: Mr Wael Khoury
H. Secretary: Mr Rogeer Hasbani
Treasurer: Mr Johny Tabbal
The members of the Board of Management of the Antiochian Society of Britain are :
Sami Carouba, Christian Karam, Gabriel Elkasir, Najib Coutya, Samira Abdelnour, Nemr Elias, George Abboud, Rola Haddad, Fadi Daoud, Elias Elias.