The Young Adults Group of the Antiochian Parish of St. George’s Cathedral in London warmly invites you to a Christmas Lunch on the 25th of December 2024. This event is part of a series of Festal Lunches organised for those of us away from our families who which to celebrate the Feast with our Church Family.

Event Details:
Location: St. Sava’s Serbian Orthodox Church Hall
Address: 89 Lancaster Rd, Notting Hill, London W11 1QQ
Time: Guests are welcome to arrive from 2:00 PM.
For Parishioners Attending Liturgy:
Divine Liturgy: Maria Assumpta Chapel
Address: 21 Kensington Square, London W8 5HH
Time: Starts at 11:00 AM.
After the service, we will leave together for St. Sava’s Church Hall (35-minute walk / 10-minute drive).
A traditional Lebanese meal will be prepared by the organisers.
If you would like to contribute additional dishes, please indicate this in the form.
The cost of this dinner will be £25 per person.
Financial Support:
If you need financial assistance to attend or wish to support others financially, please mention this on the form.
Registration Deadline:
The last day to register is Friday, 20th December 2024.
Share the Event:
Feel free to share this invitation with anyone who may be spending Christmas Day alone.
Hadi Tannous: 07943 343530
Maria Pitsini: 07877 303700
Please fill in this form if you would like to attend.